Women’s Retreat “House of Flowers”

Sweet Medicine Nation

Craftsbury, Vermont 2024

From May to September 2024



Teachings of Grandma Sweet Medicine Nation

Sweet Medicine Nation is a Wisdom Keeper and Teacher with 45 years of traditional ceremonial experience and native teachings.

“I assist those longing for a deeper connection to the sacred by nurturing and guiding them through rites of passage.”

“Each of us has a unique gift and position, it is time we learn and offer these gifts. Come dance, prepare an celebrate the right to pass into this divine place as women”

House of Flowers

“House of Flowers” is a Choctaw initiation that honors the 4 sacred stages of Womanhood. In some cultures, they are named and recognized as ” Rites of Passage”. These Rites of Passage help us understand the vital stage we are closing and the new one we are opening.

Each woman will be prepared depending on her place in life now. Expertise guidance by Sweet Medicine Nation, International Wisdom keeper, Sun Dancer, Ceremonialist, Pipe Carrier, will guide us and prepare us for this vital lost ceremony of the House of Flowers as a Woman’s Rite

The purpose of the “House of Flowers” Retreat is to honor in ourselves these 4 crucial and sacred times that we as women have already passed or are about to: Birth, first menstruation, sexual life and menopause, thus anchoring our places in the Cosmology of Sacred Women. “House of Flowers” is a ceremony of initiation and also of celebration. We have forgotten to enter with reverence and gratitude into each new cycle of our life and to properly say goodbye to the previous one. Many times, we did not have anyone close to remind us of the sacred moment we were going through, but here we are to remember and most importantly to accompany each other in a circle. The circle and the community are vital, that is why the presence of all women attending is so important, we are all the container and the support, we step into the new with confidence and love because we know that there is a community that supports and backs us, encourages and nurtures us.

What happens to us individually also happens to the collective.

The depth of these vital moments in women, beyond the medical and biological knowledge, is information that has taken us time to recover thanks to elders like Sweet Medicine Nation, who have taken the care to preserve it and continue to share it with other throughout the world.

Preparation and follow-up

14 hrs Recorded Classes:

You will receive a recorded class in preparation for the House of Flowers retreat:

1.- Introduction to the Rites of Passage
2.- Birth.
3.- First menstruation.
4.- Sexual life.
5.- Menopause & Death

5 live sessions:

You will have one hour of Questions & Answers after each class in a zoom session with Sweet Medicine Nation and 1 live session for preparation and details before attending the retreat.


3hrs in a zoom session with Sweet Medicine Nation.
Preparation before attending “House of Flowers”

5 days of retreat:

We will meet at the green mountains of Craftsbury, Vermont.

  • Teachings.
  • Ceremonies.
  • Initiations.
  • Healthy meals included.
  • Glamping in a shared tent.


"Being in these times of deep transformation, as seen through the lenses of an amazing wisdom keeper in the indigenous and modern ways, AND If you want to feel empowered and remember your original instructions and design as a woman, you must get in touch with Sweet Medicine Nation.
I’ve known Sweet Medicine Nation for almost 4 years and  since day one I felt her presence (a rare gift in our ultra fast tech social media filled world) and quickly decided I wanted to learn from her and so I embarked on the 2 year apprenticeship and most recently participated on the initiation called House of Flowers. I felt ease, a sense of communion, open heartedness and pride, a jewel needed for the activation of my womanhood."

- Yetta, designer 

“I had the privilege to participate in a prayer led by Sweetie almost 4 years ago, prior to which I had no knowledge of her or her teachings. I was immediately captivated by her presence, deep beautiful wisdom from her lineage and the power and grace with which she holds space and a group in complete harmony. From that day, I keenly followed Sweetie’s teachings and continue to be in awe and hold the utmost respect.”

- Miguel, former CEO of Organic India

"The House Of flowers has been one of the most transformative experiences in my life....
....the first rite of passage of birth in the sweatlodge was very profound for me, It gave me the opportunity to spiritually fill in everything that I had missed. My life has changed in magical ways because of this, and it happened the same way in each rite of passage.

In the house of flowers there is wisdom and a clear intentional path that is guided by Sweet Medicine. Infinitely grateful. "

- Stephanie Penilla



Women’s Retreat “House of Flowers”

We invite you to this Gathering & Initiation into a Sacred Woman’s life. Assisting you to walk with greater awareness, health, wellbeing and consciousness in this Divine Era!  Join us!

Is This for You?

You are a woman between 15-90 years old.

You might be going through a crisis of instead of a conscious rite of passage.

You are looking for answers to what it means to have passed or to be going through a rite of passage now.

You want to reframe the stage you’re in as a woman and see it from a positive perspective, with tools and abilities to reclaim the powerful beauty a woman has in all her phases.

There was no one close to you to witness your sacred moment and you want to honor it.

You want to honor, revere and welcome the new cycle in your life.


(Only 25 participants)



May 20th-Class 1

Introduction Rites of passage & Birth (recorded class).

May 25th-Q&A

Live session by Zoom with Sweet Medicine Nation (Questions/ Answers)

May 27th: Class 2

Menstruation (recorded class).

June 8th: Q&A

Live session by zoom with Sweet Medicine Nation (Questions/ Answers) –

June 10th- Class 3

Sexuality (recorded class).

June 22th- Q&A

Live session by zoom with Sweet Medicine Nation (Questions/ Answers) –

June 24th-Class 4

Menopause (recorded class).

July 6th-Q&A

Live session by zoom with Sweet Medicine Nation (questions/ Answers).

August 24th – Live Preparation

Preparation and details before attending “House of Flowers”

3hrs zoom session with Sweet Medicine Nation.

September 18th to 22nd – Retreat “House of Flowers”

Retreat at Craftsbury, Vermont

  • Teachings.
  • Ceremonies.
  • Initiations.
  • Healthy meals included.
  • Glamping in a shared tent.

Requirement to attend the Retreat “House of Flowers”

Watch the videos of each class and do the corresponding preparation.

Investment $1,222


(Only 25 participants)

Save your Place Before: May 10th,2024

+1 (802) 793-5935

Full Payment:



Payment Plan


  • April, 2024: $250 Save your place (nonrefundable)
  • May, 2024: $361
  • June,2024: $361
  • July, 2024: $361

Cancelation Policy

Green Mountains at Craftsbury, Vermont.

Join us in Craftsbury this September, nestled within the heart of Vermont’s Green Mountains. This special sanctuary, on Abenaki land, will be enveloped with energy of the Fall Equinox. Inviting us to slow down, breathe deeply, and allow ourselves to immerse in the present moment and wise teachings.



Wednesday, September 18th

  • 2:00 to 4:00p.m. Arrival and Check-in.
  • 5:30 p.m. Orientation, welcome.
  • 6:30 p.m. Dinner.
  • 8:30 p.m. Circle talks.

Thursday, September 19th

  • 8:30 a.m.  Breakfast
  • 9:30 a.m. Morning Program
  • 12:30 a.m. Luncg
  • 2:30 p.m. Afternoon program
  • 5:00 p.m. Break and conversations
  • 6:00 p.m. Dinner
  • 7:00 p.m. Evening Ceremony 

Friday, September 20th

  • 8:30 a.m.  Breakfast
  • 9:30 a.m. Morning Program
  • 12:30 a.m. Lunch
  • 2:30 p.m. Afternoon Program
  • 5:00 p.m. Break and conversations
  • 6:00 p.m. Dinner
  • 7:00 p.m. Evening Ceremony

Saturday, September 21th

  • 8:30 a.m. Breakfast
  • 9:30a.m. Talk circle.
  • 12:30 p.m. Lunch
  • 2:30 p.m. Afternoon program.
  • 5:00 p.m. Break and conversations
  • 6:00 p.m. Dinner
  • 7:30 p.m. Circle Talks

Sunday , September 22th

  • 8:30 a.m. Breakfast
  • 9:30 a.m. Give away
  • 1:00 pm. Lunch
  • 2:00 p.m. Closure ceremony.
  • 4:00 p.m. Check out.

*Schedules and program may change slightly. 


  • 1 Picture (copy) of your mother(s), your grandmother(s) & of yourself
  • 1 Small gift for the giveaway.
  • 4 Dresses: red, white, yellow, black and another skirt or dress for the rest of the days.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Your own towel
  • A sleeping mat, for added insulation and cushioning beneath your sleeping bag.
  • A pillow and blankets or a sleeping bag suitable for the cooler nights of the Vermont fall.
  • Warm layers, including sweaters, jackets, and thermal wear.
  • Weather-appropriate attire for our outdoor activities, and explorations through the gardens and beyond
  • Water bottle to take around the land.
  • Extra blanket.
  • Mug for hot drinks.
  • Closed toed shoes for walking.
  • Sandals.
  • Flashlight.
  • A piece of fabric that can be destroyed (2 yards/2 meters long) or an old shawl, or sarong you don’t mind destroy.


  • Recorded Classes.
  • 5 live sessions.
  • 5 days Retreat.
    • Teachings.
    • Ceremonies.
    • Initiations.
    • Healthy wholesome meals.
    • Glamping in a shared tent.


Braelyn Gillespie

WhatsApp: +1 (802) 793-5935

Mail: braelyn@beeloveherbals.com


  1. Complete Registration
  2. Scroll down to “Complete Payment’ and click on your payment type.


Cancelation policy:

Full Payment:

  • Before May 15th, 2024: 80% will be refunded.
  • After May 15th, 2024: **No refunds are available.

Payment plan (4 payments):

  • Required deposit $250 **Nonrefundable
  • Partial payments before May 15th 2024: 80% will be refunded.
  • After May 15th: **No refunds are available.


Limited places. Save your place.